Thursday, June 30, 2011

Health time with Dr. Muhammed

Dr. Muhammmed had alot of tips for Muslims to stay healthy. Since I have been a nurse for a long time (and let's leave it at that), I want to discuss these.
1. If a fly drops into your drink, leave it. One wing has the disease, the other has the cure. Ok...BUT what if a one winged fly drops in? How are you sure which is which? And, didnt Ole Dr. MoMo know flies carry MANY diseases??
2. Drinking camel urine is good for you. Uh, yeah...since when is drinking URINE good for you? OH..that would be NEVER. Although urine has NO bacteria in it unless you have a bladder or kidney infection, you dont see camels drinking their OWN urine. There is a reason for that. Camels have more common sense than Dr. MoMo.
3. Ajwah dates if eaten in the morning make it impossible for you to be killed by poison. Guess Dr. MoMo forgot his one day, since he was killed by poison.
4. If you eat frogs, it will poison your semen. Kinda makes you want to give every muslim on earth frog legs, doesnt it?
5. Donot drink water in one gulp like a camel. I am not well versed in how CAMELS drink water...but I am sure if you are THIRSTY you can grink as big as a gulp as you want.
6. Dont eat animals killed after they are dead....Not much I can say. Maybe Dr. MoMo is doing CPR on them.
7. Honey comes from the stomachs of bees. Yeah, who is getting that close to FIND THAT OUT?? NOT ME!
These are but just a few.. Remember boys and girls: Dr MoMo says eat your dates, dont eat frongs, dont gulp your water, and leave those flies in your drinks! 
BY dallas girl (dakgal33)

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