my question for my friends was
why you are not a Muslim ??
thats the answers
joutoo: shame on you .what a question
prayer :why you are not a muslim
joutoo: becouse i dont want to be Breastfeeding machine for muslim men
now for me why iam not a muslim ??
1_ iam not a dumb
2_ iam a son of king Jesus that mean i cant be a slave for stupid Allah
3_ iam a free muslims are salves
why you are not a Muslim ??
thats the answers
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: why u are not a muslim ??
dalgal33: I am not muslim b/c 1. i dont believe fairy tales 2. I have more than 1/2 a brain. 3. I believe in CHRIST 4. I dont like being beaten lightly 5. my hubby will ONLY HAVE ONE WIFE 6. i like to drive 7. i like to work 8. i like music 9. i cannot pray JUST five times a day 10. I cannot kiss a stone that people put their private parts on
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: for this only ??
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: do you any other reasons ?
dalgal33: yeah
dalgal33: that is the top 10
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: ok thank u for ur help
dalgal33: welcome
that was Dallas's answer
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: tody question
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: why u are not a muslim
angelsswingss: lol,cause i have brains
angelsswingss: haha
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: good a nswer
da_playa: because I dont worship the god of this world. Allah/Satan, what ever you want to call him. I have a brain and I can recognize a deceiver when i see one!!!
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: for this only ??
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: or u have a nother reasons ??
da_playa: well combine that with 9 years of research, I am not immoral, I wont kill, I wont take right hand possessions, There are a number of reasons
da_playa: its hard to pin point any one reason
da_playa: there are so many
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: give me ur personal reason
da_playa: hmmmmm. because i have Gods word. I wont rejeck my Lord and savior and follow a flase prophet
da_playa: I will bow down before my Lord and take notice to the meaning behind that empty tomb
da_playa: thats probably my main reason. I know who Jesus is!!!
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: ok thank u for ur help
da_playa: yw
fyreflye: let me see
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: im waiting
fyreflye: im not a muslim because im a born-again, blood bought
fyreflye: child of the king
fyreflye: and you cant be that inislam
fyreflye: I am not a Muslim because Jesus is my LORD and Savior!
sg1963: Yes, I am.
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: i have a question
sg1963: ok
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: can u answer me please
sg1963: I'll try
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: why you are not a muslim
sg1963: Any answer would have to be very long.
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: ok no problem
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: ur personal reasons
sg1963: It is an antiChrist cult, proved by its teachings.
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: thats only
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: its personal question why u are not a muslim ?
sg1963: I can't be Muslim because Islam relegates Christ to an inferior position and denies His deity.
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: whats else
sg1963: Warrior, I won't have time to do this right now because I'm trying to get some study notes together for sheskafira. She just got a Quran and wants a list of some of the verses I've highlighted.
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: ok thank u for ur help
sg1963: Sorry I don't have time to do more right now.
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: its ok for me
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: but u are the first one i ask her this question can i use ur words in my article ??
PRAYER WARRIOR_1: yes or no ?
nice q

PRAYER WARRIOR_1: good anser me please why you are not a muslim ?
lamada_11 I don’t want virgins in Islamic heaven
the translation is
wonderful : where is your famous word (kaffira)
prayer: ok kafira hello
prayer : Ok kaffira i have a question can you answer me plz ?
wonderful: when you stop saying kaffira even when you are kidding especially when you came in rooms
prayer i will not
prayer im proud to be kaffer
wonderful : good for you
prayer : ok i will stope
prayer now can u answer me ?
wonderful : ok whats going on bad boy
prayer :why you are not a muslim ?
wonderful : becouse iam not a Illiteracy
prayer: thats only ?
wonderful : i kept the rest for you
prayer ok
prayer :why you are not a muslim
joutoo: becouse i dont want to be Breastfeeding machine for muslim men
now for me why iam not a muslim ??
1_ iam not a dumb
2_ iam a son of king Jesus that mean i cant be a slave for stupid Allah
3_ iam a free muslims are salves