Muslims use the remotest language possible to describe Allah. They try to make him as transcendent as possible in order to discourage people from conducting research on him. If you ask a Muslim to define Allah, he will just beat about the bush, ascribing attributes to him that neither belong to him nor befit him. But Allah is not as mysterious as Islam would like the world to believe. He has been at the Ka.aba stone all along. Certainly, Christians have not prayed enough to displace him and we may never do so until he meets his doom in the valley of Megiddo.
Some say that the word Allah was or is derived from the Syriac Alaha. But the name Allah was in existence long before Islam. That is evidenced from the name Abdullah (meaning servant of Allah) . the name of Muhammad.s father. The question is this: To whom was this name originally revealed? Certainly none of the Biblical prophets ever referred to it. There is absolutely no trace of that name in the Bible. It is Arabic, not Israelite.
But in the mind of Islamic scholars, anything (negative or positive) done to further the cause of Islam is justifiable, so they can lie and claim that the name of Allah was revealed to Adam, Abraham or even Ishmael. Lies can be told about those patriarchs because they have been dead a long time and aren.t around to refute any false claims. And they never leave Abraham alone.
In pre-Islamic Arabia, that Muslims now refer to as .Al-Jahiliya,. meaning a period of ignorance, the Arabians were grossly paganistic. In and around Ka.aba, the Arabs worshiped 360 idols. Each clan had their own particular idols to worship. It is provable that Allah was one of the 360 idols that Muhammad.s Hashimite clan worshiped.
Muhammad.s grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, was the leader of Mecca and a custodian of Ka.aba.s 360 idols. The Koran confirms that he was a pagan. The names that Muhammad.s grandfather gave his children are further proof that Muhammad was from a family of idol devotees.
Muhammad.s father was named Abdullah, meaning servant of Allah. The name of Muhammad.s uncle was Abdul Manaf, meaning servant of Manaf. His other name was Abu Talib, meaning father of Talib. This is indisputable proof that Allah and Manaf were clannish idols worshiped by Muhammad and his people. Islamic scholars try to hide the historic fact that Muhammad worshiped idols before and after he claimed to be a prophet. But they can.t do away with the record of the Koran itself.
That Muhammad was later fascinated by the monotheistic creed of Jews and Nestorian Christians is beyond question. He encountered many of them at Mecca and on his business trips to Syria. His wife, Khadija, was a Catholic, as was Waraqa ibn Naufal, his secret tutor.
Now, Muhammad wanted to unite the Arab race under a theocratic setting, but there was no way he could carry along all those 360 idols, so Muhammad decided to pick from among the idols of his clan. Naturally he picked Allah, the idol for which his father was named. Any of the idols would have served; an idol is an idol. It is the demon behind an idol that deceives the mind and heart.
Those who try to single out Allah and deify him above the other Meccan idols should remember that Muhammad could just as easily have picked Manaf, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, or any of the others; and his choice didn.t win the support of everyone, including his uncle, Abdul Manaf. That is clear from the fact that Abdul didn.t submit to Allah and Islam until his death. He held on to Manaf.
This elevation of one idol over the other 359 angered the other Meccan clans. The purported persecution of Muhammad was nothing but an inter-tribal or inter-clannish quarrel over whose idol should be or whose should not be venerated. In the same vein, the Koran was written in Muhammad.s dialect (Quraish). To pacify the other tribes, Muhammad told them (with concocted .revelations.) that the preserved tablet in heaven was written in Quraish. The world was then asked to swallow the Islamic lie that all the Ka.aba idols were destroyed. It just isn.t true. About four of those idols are said to remain. The custodians of Ka.aba should open the stone to independent inspectors should anyone dispute this.
Just as Islam led 1.2 billion Muslims and even some ignorant Christians to believe that Jesus is Isa or Esau, so it has tried to make theworld believe that Allah is God. But there is no link between Allah andthe Bible God, who revealed His name to be Yahweh, or the .I AM..1
Tetragrammaton,. which means that it is made up of four letters. Those Hebrew letters are transliterated YHWH or JHVH. They are usually pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah. Yahweh means the .I AM.. That name defines God.s eternal being and divine nature: The only true, almighty, personal, holy God, and .the Father of spirits. (Numbers 16:22, cf. John4:24), The God who revealed Himself to His people, made a covenant with them, became their law giver, to Whom all honor and worship is due.
If God.s name was really Allah, why didn.t He give that name to the prophet Moses or to any of the other Old Testament prophets? Why didn.t Jesus ever hint that God might have a name different than the one already revealed to the prophets? The Supreme Being is eternal isn.t He? If God is without beginning or end, isn.t His name also eternal and unchanging? Of course, but if the Koran is correct, then nobody knew God.s name before Muhammad, and God didn.t know what He was talking about when He told Moses that His name was .I AM that I AM..
It was at the burning bush that God revealed Himself to Moses as the .I AM. (Exodus 3:14). .I AM. portrays His eternal existence, with no beginning and no end. He is the only eternal God, there is no other. There is no room for any usurper idol, no matter what he calls himself. The name Allah does not belong to the true God, but to an Arabian idol.
But there is more. When Jesus called Himself .I AM. in John 8:58,
He said in effect that He is the same .I AM. who spoke to Moses at the burning bush. The Jews understood exactly what Jesus meant, and tried to stone Him for it (John 8:59). They knew that Jesus was declaring Himself to be the final, perfect and practical revelation of true God. The prophet Isaiah knew it, too, when he called Jesus .Emanuel,. meaning .God with us.. This is not polytheism, God the Father and Jesus His Son are one Being, one essence. Jesus said:John 10:30 .I and My Father are One.. This is the only true and eternal God. All others are idols or imagined gods.
I can hear some of you screaming, .Ha! That isn.t so; Allah is just another name for God. Arabs worship the same God we do, under a different name..
That view is held by many misinformed people, but it is wrong. Granted, Allah is the Arabic term for their god, but is Allah the name of the sovereign and almighty God who created the universe? Aside fromMuhammad (whose prophethood the Islamic scholars have yet to prove) there is no record anywhere on earth of God having spoken through Arabs. In fact, the Bible says just the opposite. The last book of the Bible was written at the end of the 1st century. One of its final statements is:Rev 22:18 . . . If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.
Isn.t that what Muhammad did? Didn.t he claim to be a prophet long after God commanded that no one should add to His already revealed Word? So what does this prove, that an entire race can be wrong in their conception of deity? Well, the Bible says, .Let God be true, but every man a liar,. (Romans 3:4). This means that anything written that is counter to God.s Word is a lie. Since the supreme Being has told us that His name is Yahweh, the .I AM,. whoever claims His name is something else has been influenced by the devil (John 8:44).
You would think Christians would distance themselves from anyone who believes that God didn.t know His own name, but such is not the case. The Christians of Hausa stock worship and praise Allah. So long as Christians bow to Allah, victory over Islam will not happen. Little wonder that mission efforts among Muslims have had little effect. One who names the name of Christ and bows down to any false god, by whatever name, is just asking for the enemy to brand the number 666 on his forehead. Didn.t Scripture forewarn us of this danger? Yes indeed:
And he opened his mouth (the dragon inspired beast) in
blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his
tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven. And all that dwell
upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.. (Revelation 13:6, 8)
It is really blasphemy to slander the concept of the fatherhood of God and deity of Jesus Christ His Son. Those who do so, don.t really know God. The above quote is very clear: everyone whose name is not written in Jesus. book of life is worshiping Satan (the dragon). The list of those in the dragon.s clutches is endless. It includes Muslims, hypocritical Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Hari Krishna, Rosicrucians, Satanists, drug addicts, homosexuals, rapists, pornographers, those who dabble into the occult and anyone else who turns away from Jesus, the Son of God.
Many Christians unwittingly worship the dragon in one way or the other. Some even sing choruses with Allah.s name. If you call yourself a Christian and continue to revere Allah, then something is desperately wrong with your understanding of Christianity. The true God is a jealous God who will not tolerate the worship of any but Him. The Old Testament nation of Israel was destroyed because they worshiped other gods, and God has not changed. Maybe you are really sealed with Allah.s seal with a .666" on your forehead, or maybe your name is not in the Lamb.s book of life . a Christless Christian . worshiping the dragon. (Rev. 13:8).
Some yet argue that the Allah the Christians worship is different from the Allah of the Muslims. They say that Christians and Muslims differ in their understanding of the character of Allah. But who has a greater claim to Allah than the Muslims, and how many Allah.s are there? Many who call themselves Christians are a kind of Rachel in Christian disguise.1 In the same way, many so-called Christians who
don.t have a correct understanding of the God of the Bible go a-whoring after the Islamic god of Allah. They use every argument under heaven to justify their spiritual bankruptcy, but to no avail. Arguments that do not agree with God.s Word, no matter how logical they may seem, will only lead to strong delusion.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that
perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.. (2Thess. 2:10-11)
The translators of the Hausa Bible have aggravated the problem. They substituted the name Allah for Yahweh, thereby bringing many Christians under the influence of the dragon. Some are of the opinion that before the name .Allah. was used in the Hausa Bible, scholars must have done extensive research to support their position. But no kind of research excuses an inaccurate Bible translation. God knew what His name was when He inspired the Bible, and He gave nobody the authority to change it. Truth is not discovered through human research, no matter how scholarly, but by divine enlightenment through the exact Word of God. Rest assured that any Bible translator who confused Allah with Yahweh was not inspired by God to do so.
The Origin of Islam among the Hausas
How did the Hausa come about the name .Allah. in the first place? Well, Sunni Islam came to the Hausa people in the fourteenth century through the influence of Sudanic and Arab merchants. However, the purity of that Islam was questioned by a Fulani speaking scholar and religious leader, Uthman Dan Fodio, who in 1802 declared Jihad against the traditional Hausa rulers, replacing the indigenous Hausa aristocracy with a Fulani feudalism.
Hausa men of today not only worship Allah but think, eat, drink and talk Allah so much so that the pre-Islamic name for the supreme beinghas been all but lost. Many people including some Christians are ready to argue at length that Hausas have had no other name for God but Allah. Some even argue that Allah is an Hausa word. They are pitifully wrong. Before Islam was introduced to the Hausas in the 14th century, the Hausa name for the supreme being was .Ubangiji.. That is a truth that many Hausa men can still confirm.
So why was Allah substituted for Ubangiji? No one really knows. But it is Arabic, and Arabic is the language of Islam.1 All Muslims are taught to revere Arabic above their native tongues and Arabic is learned and memorized by all. Arabic is so revered by some Muslims that they even drink a concoction called .Ruwa Alo. (made by washing verses of the Koran written on a slate . a superstition that is believed to be medicinal). The simple confession of Islamic faith, .Lahi la illa llah Muhammadu rasul la llah. may have knocked the Hausas. pre-Islamic name for God
out of their language. That confession has no room for Ubangiji. Perhaps the name .Ubangiji. was dropped to avoid any appearance of .polytheism.
. The Koran has always been used as a vehicle for exporting Arab imperialism; conquered countries becoming vassal states of the caliphate. Arab methods may have softened some over time, but their goals remain the same: world conquest for Islam with an Arabian flavor. Egypt is a case in point. Egypt today is more Arabian than Egyptian. In His book, Black Gold and Holy War, PP. 8-9, Ishak Ibrahim, an Egyptian national, paints a rather bleak picture of how the Arabs invaded his country and then permeated Egypt with their culture:
.These latter invaders (the Arabs) not only occupied Egypt like the previous powers but through their cultural imperialism permeated every area of Egyptian life, becoming within a few years an integral part of it. The change they wrought was permanent. Egypt.s original heritage was never to be seen again except dimly in the lives of a small minority of Coptic Christians who refused total submission to the Arab enslavers. The high cost of refusal often meant their own death. Through manipulation, blackmail and outright obliteration of resistance, Islam became the religion of the majority in Egypt. Few people were asked to pay the high taxes (Jizya) the Arabs imposed, so their only alternative (if they wanted to live) was to accept Islam, to become .part of the faithful.. Those too poor to pay taxes, yet unwilling to convert to Islam, were martyred..
That is the Islamic method, with the ordinary man-on-the-street forced into a satanic . convert or die . religious web. The ordinary Muslim desperately needs our love and prayers. He needs to be freed from the satanic bondage to which he was unwillingly enslaved. We must repent of wishing him ill. I know what I am talking about, because been there. I used to be a Muslim.
Many Christians in Nigeria, especially those in the north, are not interested in reaching Muslims. Clergy and laity alike are of the opinion that Muslims should die and go to Hell for killing Christians and burning their churches. I believe such Christians are more wicked than the Muslims they condemn.
Truly speaking, Muslims are not wicked. What people see as
wickedness is religious fervor. They try as hard as they can to live by what they believe. Muslims are not only ready to kill for Islam but to die for it . a lesson, indeed, to those who say they believe in Jesus but are not ready to make any sacrifice for Him.
The aversion towards Muslim people is everywhere. An American missionologist, conducting a survey in Egypt, found that Coptic Christians (after 1,300 years of severe persecution from Islam) were against the salvation of Muslims. The Coptics believe it would be grossly unfair for Muslims to be saved and make it to heaven after enjoying everything they have on earth at the expense of others.
We need to take to heart the example of Nelson Mandela of South Africa. After being incarcerated for almost three decades by the supporters of Apartheid, he pardoned all those who jailed him, blaming nobody but the system. Likewise we need to love Muslims but hate the demonic Islamic system by which they are bound. We are not instructed to fight human beings but the devil, not with physical weapons, but with the weapons of God.s Word and prayer (Ephesians 6:12). Love that does not reach out to help those that are hurting is not God.s kind of love. (See Matthew 5:44).
I am convinced that if Jesus was physically present now, He would not be going to the churches, but to mosques, to bring Muslims into the kingdom. His parable in Luke 15:3-7 sets the example. Jesus didn.t come to save the righteous, but to bring sinners to repentance. Open the Bible, read it, and fall upon your knees. We need to ask God to forgive us for our hardened hearts and our negligence.
prayer warrior
Some say that the word Allah was or is derived from the Syriac Alaha. But the name Allah was in existence long before Islam. That is evidenced from the name Abdullah (meaning servant of Allah) . the name of Muhammad.s father. The question is this: To whom was this name originally revealed? Certainly none of the Biblical prophets ever referred to it. There is absolutely no trace of that name in the Bible. It is Arabic, not Israelite.
But in the mind of Islamic scholars, anything (negative or positive) done to further the cause of Islam is justifiable, so they can lie and claim that the name of Allah was revealed to Adam, Abraham or even Ishmael. Lies can be told about those patriarchs because they have been dead a long time and aren.t around to refute any false claims. And they never leave Abraham alone.
In pre-Islamic Arabia, that Muslims now refer to as .Al-Jahiliya,. meaning a period of ignorance, the Arabians were grossly paganistic. In and around Ka.aba, the Arabs worshiped 360 idols. Each clan had their own particular idols to worship. It is provable that Allah was one of the 360 idols that Muhammad.s Hashimite clan worshiped.
Muhammad.s grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, was the leader of Mecca and a custodian of Ka.aba.s 360 idols. The Koran confirms that he was a pagan. The names that Muhammad.s grandfather gave his children are further proof that Muhammad was from a family of idol devotees.
Muhammad.s father was named Abdullah, meaning servant of Allah. The name of Muhammad.s uncle was Abdul Manaf, meaning servant of Manaf. His other name was Abu Talib, meaning father of Talib. This is indisputable proof that Allah and Manaf were clannish idols worshiped by Muhammad and his people. Islamic scholars try to hide the historic fact that Muhammad worshiped idols before and after he claimed to be a prophet. But they can.t do away with the record of the Koran itself.
That Muhammad was later fascinated by the monotheistic creed of Jews and Nestorian Christians is beyond question. He encountered many of them at Mecca and on his business trips to Syria. His wife, Khadija, was a Catholic, as was Waraqa ibn Naufal, his secret tutor.
Now, Muhammad wanted to unite the Arab race under a theocratic setting, but there was no way he could carry along all those 360 idols, so Muhammad decided to pick from among the idols of his clan. Naturally he picked Allah, the idol for which his father was named. Any of the idols would have served; an idol is an idol. It is the demon behind an idol that deceives the mind and heart.
Those who try to single out Allah and deify him above the other Meccan idols should remember that Muhammad could just as easily have picked Manaf, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, or any of the others; and his choice didn.t win the support of everyone, including his uncle, Abdul Manaf. That is clear from the fact that Abdul didn.t submit to Allah and Islam until his death. He held on to Manaf.
This elevation of one idol over the other 359 angered the other Meccan clans. The purported persecution of Muhammad was nothing but an inter-tribal or inter-clannish quarrel over whose idol should be or whose should not be venerated. In the same vein, the Koran was written in Muhammad.s dialect (Quraish). To pacify the other tribes, Muhammad told them (with concocted .revelations.) that the preserved tablet in heaven was written in Quraish. The world was then asked to swallow the Islamic lie that all the Ka.aba idols were destroyed. It just isn.t true. About four of those idols are said to remain. The custodians of Ka.aba should open the stone to independent inspectors should anyone dispute this.
Just as Islam led 1.2 billion Muslims and even some ignorant Christians to believe that Jesus is Isa or Esau, so it has tried to make theworld believe that Allah is God. But there is no link between Allah andthe Bible God, who revealed His name to be Yahweh, or the .I AM..1
Tetragrammaton,. which means that it is made up of four letters. Those Hebrew letters are transliterated YHWH or JHVH. They are usually pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah. Yahweh means the .I AM.. That name defines God.s eternal being and divine nature: The only true, almighty, personal, holy God, and .the Father of spirits. (Numbers 16:22, cf. John4:24), The God who revealed Himself to His people, made a covenant with them, became their law giver, to Whom all honor and worship is due.
If God.s name was really Allah, why didn.t He give that name to the prophet Moses or to any of the other Old Testament prophets? Why didn.t Jesus ever hint that God might have a name different than the one already revealed to the prophets? The Supreme Being is eternal isn.t He? If God is without beginning or end, isn.t His name also eternal and unchanging? Of course, but if the Koran is correct, then nobody knew God.s name before Muhammad, and God didn.t know what He was talking about when He told Moses that His name was .I AM that I AM..
It was at the burning bush that God revealed Himself to Moses as the .I AM. (Exodus 3:14). .I AM. portrays His eternal existence, with no beginning and no end. He is the only eternal God, there is no other. There is no room for any usurper idol, no matter what he calls himself. The name Allah does not belong to the true God, but to an Arabian idol.
But there is more. When Jesus called Himself .I AM. in John 8:58,
He said in effect that He is the same .I AM. who spoke to Moses at the burning bush. The Jews understood exactly what Jesus meant, and tried to stone Him for it (John 8:59). They knew that Jesus was declaring Himself to be the final, perfect and practical revelation of true God. The prophet Isaiah knew it, too, when he called Jesus .Emanuel,. meaning .God with us.. This is not polytheism, God the Father and Jesus His Son are one Being, one essence. Jesus said:John 10:30 .I and My Father are One.. This is the only true and eternal God. All others are idols or imagined gods.
I can hear some of you screaming, .Ha! That isn.t so; Allah is just another name for God. Arabs worship the same God we do, under a different name..
That view is held by many misinformed people, but it is wrong. Granted, Allah is the Arabic term for their god, but is Allah the name of the sovereign and almighty God who created the universe? Aside fromMuhammad (whose prophethood the Islamic scholars have yet to prove) there is no record anywhere on earth of God having spoken through Arabs. In fact, the Bible says just the opposite. The last book of the Bible was written at the end of the 1st century. One of its final statements is:Rev 22:18 . . . If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.
Isn.t that what Muhammad did? Didn.t he claim to be a prophet long after God commanded that no one should add to His already revealed Word? So what does this prove, that an entire race can be wrong in their conception of deity? Well, the Bible says, .Let God be true, but every man a liar,. (Romans 3:4). This means that anything written that is counter to God.s Word is a lie. Since the supreme Being has told us that His name is Yahweh, the .I AM,. whoever claims His name is something else has been influenced by the devil (John 8:44).
You would think Christians would distance themselves from anyone who believes that God didn.t know His own name, but such is not the case. The Christians of Hausa stock worship and praise Allah. So long as Christians bow to Allah, victory over Islam will not happen. Little wonder that mission efforts among Muslims have had little effect. One who names the name of Christ and bows down to any false god, by whatever name, is just asking for the enemy to brand the number 666 on his forehead. Didn.t Scripture forewarn us of this danger? Yes indeed:
And he opened his mouth (the dragon inspired beast) in
blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his
tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven. And all that dwell
upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.. (Revelation 13:6, 8)
It is really blasphemy to slander the concept of the fatherhood of God and deity of Jesus Christ His Son. Those who do so, don.t really know God. The above quote is very clear: everyone whose name is not written in Jesus. book of life is worshiping Satan (the dragon). The list of those in the dragon.s clutches is endless. It includes Muslims, hypocritical Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Hari Krishna, Rosicrucians, Satanists, drug addicts, homosexuals, rapists, pornographers, those who dabble into the occult and anyone else who turns away from Jesus, the Son of God.
Many Christians unwittingly worship the dragon in one way or the other. Some even sing choruses with Allah.s name. If you call yourself a Christian and continue to revere Allah, then something is desperately wrong with your understanding of Christianity. The true God is a jealous God who will not tolerate the worship of any but Him. The Old Testament nation of Israel was destroyed because they worshiped other gods, and God has not changed. Maybe you are really sealed with Allah.s seal with a .666" on your forehead, or maybe your name is not in the Lamb.s book of life . a Christless Christian . worshiping the dragon. (Rev. 13:8).
Some yet argue that the Allah the Christians worship is different from the Allah of the Muslims. They say that Christians and Muslims differ in their understanding of the character of Allah. But who has a greater claim to Allah than the Muslims, and how many Allah.s are there? Many who call themselves Christians are a kind of Rachel in Christian disguise.1 In the same way, many so-called Christians who
don.t have a correct understanding of the God of the Bible go a-whoring after the Islamic god of Allah. They use every argument under heaven to justify their spiritual bankruptcy, but to no avail. Arguments that do not agree with God.s Word, no matter how logical they may seem, will only lead to strong delusion.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that
perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.. (2Thess. 2:10-11)
The translators of the Hausa Bible have aggravated the problem. They substituted the name Allah for Yahweh, thereby bringing many Christians under the influence of the dragon. Some are of the opinion that before the name .Allah. was used in the Hausa Bible, scholars must have done extensive research to support their position. But no kind of research excuses an inaccurate Bible translation. God knew what His name was when He inspired the Bible, and He gave nobody the authority to change it. Truth is not discovered through human research, no matter how scholarly, but by divine enlightenment through the exact Word of God. Rest assured that any Bible translator who confused Allah with Yahweh was not inspired by God to do so.
The Origin of Islam among the Hausas
How did the Hausa come about the name .Allah. in the first place? Well, Sunni Islam came to the Hausa people in the fourteenth century through the influence of Sudanic and Arab merchants. However, the purity of that Islam was questioned by a Fulani speaking scholar and religious leader, Uthman Dan Fodio, who in 1802 declared Jihad against the traditional Hausa rulers, replacing the indigenous Hausa aristocracy with a Fulani feudalism.
Hausa men of today not only worship Allah but think, eat, drink and talk Allah so much so that the pre-Islamic name for the supreme beinghas been all but lost. Many people including some Christians are ready to argue at length that Hausas have had no other name for God but Allah. Some even argue that Allah is an Hausa word. They are pitifully wrong. Before Islam was introduced to the Hausas in the 14th century, the Hausa name for the supreme being was .Ubangiji.. That is a truth that many Hausa men can still confirm.
So why was Allah substituted for Ubangiji? No one really knows. But it is Arabic, and Arabic is the language of Islam.1 All Muslims are taught to revere Arabic above their native tongues and Arabic is learned and memorized by all. Arabic is so revered by some Muslims that they even drink a concoction called .Ruwa Alo. (made by washing verses of the Koran written on a slate . a superstition that is believed to be medicinal). The simple confession of Islamic faith, .Lahi la illa llah Muhammadu rasul la llah. may have knocked the Hausas. pre-Islamic name for God
out of their language. That confession has no room for Ubangiji. Perhaps the name .Ubangiji. was dropped to avoid any appearance of .polytheism.
. The Koran has always been used as a vehicle for exporting Arab imperialism; conquered countries becoming vassal states of the caliphate. Arab methods may have softened some over time, but their goals remain the same: world conquest for Islam with an Arabian flavor. Egypt is a case in point. Egypt today is more Arabian than Egyptian. In His book, Black Gold and Holy War, PP. 8-9, Ishak Ibrahim, an Egyptian national, paints a rather bleak picture of how the Arabs invaded his country and then permeated Egypt with their culture:
.These latter invaders (the Arabs) not only occupied Egypt like the previous powers but through their cultural imperialism permeated every area of Egyptian life, becoming within a few years an integral part of it. The change they wrought was permanent. Egypt.s original heritage was never to be seen again except dimly in the lives of a small minority of Coptic Christians who refused total submission to the Arab enslavers. The high cost of refusal often meant their own death. Through manipulation, blackmail and outright obliteration of resistance, Islam became the religion of the majority in Egypt. Few people were asked to pay the high taxes (Jizya) the Arabs imposed, so their only alternative (if they wanted to live) was to accept Islam, to become .part of the faithful.. Those too poor to pay taxes, yet unwilling to convert to Islam, were martyred..
That is the Islamic method, with the ordinary man-on-the-street forced into a satanic . convert or die . religious web. The ordinary Muslim desperately needs our love and prayers. He needs to be freed from the satanic bondage to which he was unwillingly enslaved. We must repent of wishing him ill. I know what I am talking about, because been there. I used to be a Muslim.
Many Christians in Nigeria, especially those in the north, are not interested in reaching Muslims. Clergy and laity alike are of the opinion that Muslims should die and go to Hell for killing Christians and burning their churches. I believe such Christians are more wicked than the Muslims they condemn.
Truly speaking, Muslims are not wicked. What people see as
wickedness is religious fervor. They try as hard as they can to live by what they believe. Muslims are not only ready to kill for Islam but to die for it . a lesson, indeed, to those who say they believe in Jesus but are not ready to make any sacrifice for Him.
The aversion towards Muslim people is everywhere. An American missionologist, conducting a survey in Egypt, found that Coptic Christians (after 1,300 years of severe persecution from Islam) were against the salvation of Muslims. The Coptics believe it would be grossly unfair for Muslims to be saved and make it to heaven after enjoying everything they have on earth at the expense of others.
We need to take to heart the example of Nelson Mandela of South Africa. After being incarcerated for almost three decades by the supporters of Apartheid, he pardoned all those who jailed him, blaming nobody but the system. Likewise we need to love Muslims but hate the demonic Islamic system by which they are bound. We are not instructed to fight human beings but the devil, not with physical weapons, but with the weapons of God.s Word and prayer (Ephesians 6:12). Love that does not reach out to help those that are hurting is not God.s kind of love. (See Matthew 5:44).
I am convinced that if Jesus was physically present now, He would not be going to the churches, but to mosques, to bring Muslims into the kingdom. His parable in Luke 15:3-7 sets the example. Jesus didn.t come to save the righteous, but to bring sinners to repentance. Open the Bible, read it, and fall upon your knees. We need to ask God to forgive us for our hardened hearts and our negligence.
prayer warrior
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